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新型材料有修复功能 碎屏能自动愈合“bat·365(中文)官方网站”
本文摘要:A new self-repairing material has been developed by researchers in the UK and they say it’ll be ready to integrate into everything from smartphone screens to nail varnish within the next five years。

A new self-repairing material has been developed by researchers in the UK and they say it’ll be ready to integrate into everything from smartphone screens to nail varnish within the next five years。英国研究员已研发一种能自我修缮的新型材料,他们声称在未来5年内,这款材料将统合进所有的东西中——从智能手机屏幕到指甲油。Originally developed for aeroplane wings, the technology has the potential to revolutionise a range of industries with the capacity to move into tiny cracks and harden inside like the way blood forms a dry, protective scab to heal flesh wounds。

这项科技原本是为飞机机翼打造出的,但如今它享有彻底改变一系列工业的创造力:新型材料能移到微小裂纹修整内部,就如同血液不会自动构成潮湿、保护性的痂来康复皮肉伤一样。Made from a mixture of different carbon-based chemicals, this new healing agent produces a sheet of millions of microscopic spheres. When a crack breaks these hollow microspheres apart, a liquid is released that moves into the newly formed gap. A chemical reaction then causes the polymerisation - or hardening - of this liquid, causing it to glue to the edges of the cracks and form a hard, near-invisible filler。


The technology has been developed by a team from England’s University of Bristol, led by chemist Duncan Wass, and was presented at a Royal Society meeting in London last month。这项技术是由英国布里斯托尔大学化学家邓肯·沃斯率领下的一支小队研发而出,上月于英国皇家学会会议上展出。

We took inspiration from the human body, Wass told Chris Green at The Independent。“我们从人类身体中取得了启发,”沃斯告诉他《独立报》的克里斯·格林。We’ve not evolved to withstand any damage - if we were like that we’d have a skin as thick as a rhinoceros - but if we do get damaged, we bleed, and it scabs and heals. We just put that same sort of function into a synthetic material: let’s have something that can heal itself.“我们不是与生俱来就能抵挡一切损害的——如果我们真为能做,那我们的皮肤就跟犀牛一样薄了——但如果我们知道伤势了,我们不会剧痛,不会结痂不会伤口。


