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本文摘要:New research conducted by the mobile network O2 has found that people spend more time using their smartphones to surf the web, check social networks or play games, than to make actual phone calls, the Daily Telegraph reported.《每日电讯报》报导,英国移动企业O2公司近期调查结果显示,人们用于智能手机更好的是网际网路、看社交网络或玩游戏,而非打电话。

New research conducted by the mobile network O2 has found that people spend more time using their smartphones to surf the web, check social networks or play games, than to make actual phone calls, the Daily Telegraph reported.《每日电讯报》报导,英国移动企业O2公司近期调查结果显示,人们用于智能手机更好的是网际网路、看社交网络或玩游戏,而非打电话。The average smartphone owner spends over two hours each day on the device. During that time, they spend an average of 25 minutes using their phone to browse the web, 17 minutes on social networking, 13 minutes on playing games and 16 minutes on listening to music.人们每天会花2个小时玩游戏手机。其中,手机网际网路用时25分钟,玩游戏社交网络花费17分钟,打游戏用时13分钟,而听音乐则花费16分钟。

Making phone calls (12 minutes) with the smartphone was only the fifth most popular use for the gadget, and takes up only slightly more time than they spend writing or checking emails (11 minutes) and text messaging (10 minutes).打电话名列手机常用功能第五位,一天用时12分钟,仅有比发送邮件(用时11分钟)和发短信(用时10分钟)多花一些时间。

