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传苹果公司正开发iPad Mini 对抗谷歌Nexus 7‘bat·365(中文)官方网站’
本文摘要:A new round of Apple rumors and leaks are suggesting what some tech observers have been predicting for the past year: that a smaller, less expensive iPad is on the way.关于苹果公司的新谣传或许将证实一些科技观察者们去年作出的应验,一个更加小的、更加低廉的iPad将要来临。

A new round of Apple rumors and leaks are suggesting what some tech observers have been predicting for the past year: that a smaller, less expensive iPad is on the way.关于苹果公司的新谣传或许将证实一些科技观察者们去年作出的应验,一个更加小的、更加低廉的iPad将要来临。The talk of a 7-or-8-inch version of the popular tablet (the current model has a nearly 10-inch screen, diagonally), comes on the heels of Google announcing plans for the Nexus 7, its own smaller tablet that will be more in the mold of Amazons Kindle Fire.谷歌公司宣告新款平板电脑Nexus 7的发售计划,随即之后有传闻称之为苹果公司将发售7-8英寸长平板电脑(目前的iPad的屏幕有10英寸长)。Nexus 7是一款比亚马逊公司的Kindle Fire更加杰出的产品。

The Nexus 7 will have a 7-inch screen and sell for $199 like the Fire, which has been one of the few iPad rivals to gain any real traction in the tablet marketplace.Nexus 7将有一个7英寸长的屏幕,并且像Kindle Fire一样只买199美元。Kindle Fire是极少数在平板电脑市场上对iPad包含实际威胁的产品。On Wednesday, Bloomberg was quoting two people with knowledge of the plans who said Apple will release a smaller iPad by the end of the year.本周三,彭博新闻社告知了两位理解苹果公司计划的内部人士,他们回应苹果公司将在今年年底公布一款较小的iPad。

Steve Jobs once said a 7-inch screen is not sufficient to make a good tablet. Apples current leadership may disagree.史蒂芬乔布斯曾多次说道过7英寸长的屏幕足以来生产一个杰出的平板电脑,但苹果公司现在的领导层或许不会不表示同意他的话。The so far the imaginary, or at least never-seen, device has been dubbed the iPad Mini by speculators in light of the iPod of the same name. The sources said the gadget will have a screen between 7 and 8 inches wide, and one said that it will not have the high-definition retina display screen of the new iPad.目前这个还没揭露庐山真面目的产品被分析师们冠上“iPad Mini”的名字,延用iPod系列的命名方法。

有消息称之为新产品将用于一个7-8英寸长的屏幕,而且有内部人士称之为新的iPad会用于视网膜屏幕。As the months have gone on, more and more analysts have begun to believe that the arrival of a smaller iPad is a matter of when, not if.随着时间推移,更加多的分析师开始坚信一款较小的iPad的来临是时间问题,而不是不会会有的问题。

Multiple tech sites also are pointing this week to a post from Chinese tech site MyDrivers (Google translation) which quoted sources on Apples supply chain in that country saying the new device will have a 7.85-inch screen and be the same thickness as the iPad 2.许多科技网站本周公布了一个来自中国的科技网站“驱动之家”的消息。该消息称之为在中国的苹果供应商回应,苹果的新产品将有一个7.85英寸长的屏幕,并且和iPad2一样薄。

If the rumors are true, it would be Apples biggest departure yet from the vision of co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs, who died last year.如果这些传言都是知道,那么这款产品将是迄今为止,苹果公司与去年去世的创始人兼前CEO斯蒂夫-乔布斯的设想间产生的仅次于分歧。

